Cameron Diaz Did Not Like Cosmetic Surgery

Cameron Diaz, the star of the film “Shrek 3”, claimed she would never have plastic surgery because it is “sick.”


The actress could not understand why anyone would want to go under the knife and destroy their own characteristics.

The actress revealed, “Have you seen those shows where ordinary people want to look like Britney Spears or Brad Pitt? What on earth possesses them to want to destroy their own character? To go under the knife to do that, well, it’s sick.”

The 34-year-old star had an operation on her nose last year to correct a deviated septum, but claims she would never have surgery for purely cosmetic reasons.

The actress added, “I would never have anything done. I think beauty comes from the inside. When I see women who have had plastic surgery I find it unnerving. All I can see is the surgery. The person who has had it has vanished. I don’t want to look like that.”

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